About Us

In school, we all read some number of books categorized as Classic Literature.

Generally, these are somewhat difficult, we don’t really get it - and we decide these are not quite understandable. Unfortunately, this consideration can then spread to other studies and become a general learning issue. Not to mention that we missed out on the grandeur, joy, and adventure contained in these books that have kept them around for over 100 years.

Fortunately, in almost all cases, the root of those troubles in understanding was not with us and was not with the book. Instead, it lies with the words - slang from many generations ago and specialized terms that we would have no way of knowing. For example, reading the phrase: “… so round this spinney went Pooh and Piglet …,” without understanding what a spinney is, makes no sense. Knowing that it’s: “a small area covered by trees or bushes,” brings sudden clarity to the phrase. Multiply that a few hundred times over the course of a book and you understand the difference a comprehensive glossary can make.

Our mission is to help all students and readers, young and old, from all walks of life, to understand and appreciate the literary classics. Hopefully doing this will make study fun and easy, which builds certainty and confidence. That certainty and confidence can then translate to other subjects as well, and with that newfound resurgence the sky is the limit.

Peter Oram, Founder